It simply asks you if you'd like to embed the image or link it. If you've ever imported a bitmap into Inkscape, it's likely you've seen this dialog box before. I went ahead and packed 8 Interpolation steps in there along with an added Exponent of 1.0 which exponentially increases/decreases the position of the steps.Īnd if our two original objects happened to have different styles, we could go ahead and check Interpolate style.

I also unchecked Duplicate endpaths because redrawing my original shapes seems unnecessary. Let's check Live preview and watch the magic happen! Interpolation steps is the number of paths to place between the two selected objects. Go ahead and select a couple of objects/paths and click Extensions > Generate from Path > Interpolate. The less glamorous option is Lines, which simply draws the extrusion lines.Ī fancy word to fill in the space between two paths with the gradual placement of specified paths.

This new extruded part of your object is actually a separate group of polygons (which can be edited to your liking). I'm going to check Polygons and Live preview to give me what you see below. Go ahead and select two shapes in which to extrude and head up to Extensions > Generate from Path > Extrude to bring up the dialog box. This is a great way to take any two shapes and turn them into a extruded 3D object. One of my favorites is Replace color, which is easily used by entering old and new hex color codes. Of course, we can see the Negative of our drawings as well. Below, I've selected Grayscale.Īnd here, I selected individual parts of my drawing to make Brighter and Darker for some quick shading. I'll compare my original drawing with a color adjusted one. There are a bunch of options in Extensions > Color, but they're all very straight forward. 215 degrees stacked my shapes from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner.Ī slight issue I came across personally was that Live preview wouldn't work unless I unchecked and rechecked it after every time I changed something. The other option that differs is Arbitrary Angle, where you get to define an Angle in which to stack. This option starts stacking from bottom to top according to each shapes Top-Left bounding box corner. I've selected Bottom to Top and as long as you have Live preview checked, you'll notice the changes right away. The Restack Direction has a good amount of options, all of which are self-explanatory. As you can see below, my diamonds are already stacked from Left to Right, so nothing changes here. Go ahead and select your objects then head up to Extensions > Arrange > Restack to open up the dialog box. What Restack does is change the z-index of each object to your desired specifications. The very first extension in fact is Restack and it's quite useful if you happen to have a bunch of overlaying objects. Advanced Techniques in Inkscape: Tapered Lines